It is not always easy to maintain a healthy relationship. This is especially true for those that are suffering from ADD. As children, you may find it difficult to pay attention in school or to finish dull or boring tasks. As we age, this can evolve into self-esteem issues and put a strain on relationships. If you or your partner has ADHD, you may have difficulty:
- · Paying attention – It difficult to listen and communicate with your partner.
- · Staying organized – As a result, you may forget a birthday or anniversary.
- · Finishing tasks – This can lead to lack of commitment in your relationship.
- · Handling responsibilities – You may forget to pay the bills, clean, etc.
- · Managing your emotions – It is easy to lose your temper, leading to major misunderstandings.
It is important that people with ADD seek treatment to improve their focus and deal with relationship issues. We offer services that diagnosis and treat ADD at our practice. Call 505-821-1948 to schedule an appointment and to take steps in improving your relationship.
Research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements Paarberatung